Thursday, October 29, 2015

What We Been Up To...

Hi everyone we haven't been in here for a while so much has been going on, We have been really busy we have moved into a new place, The place is beautiful over looking the beach. Gucci also love the new place but it did take him a little to get use to the place now he loves to sit on the terrace & watch the beach & beautiful view we have. Gucci is doing really good, our place has it's own dog run which he goes & plays in he has met lots & lots of friends so he's a pretty Happy Dog if I do say so myself :o) 
During in the middle of our move I ended up in the hospital for an emergency surgery, I had to remove my gallbladder, one night I was in so much pain that it wouldn't go away. During my stay at the hospital I was missing Gucci & my husband was telling me that Gucci was feeling really sad wouldn't stop looking around for me, When I came home he didn't leave my side he stayed and cuddled me as I had to take it easy & get lots of rest to recover. I'm now feeling better and getting back into work & etc 

Thank you for visiting our Blog & come back soon I will be back again posting more often now I sure missed posting in here 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Update On Gucci

On Tuesday I took Gucci to go get groomed, he was starting to get a bit matted on his belly & his hair was getting to long so it was time for a clean up. I was trying to wait til it would stop snowing cause this winter it has been snowing every week & it's been a really cold winter here, I had started seeing a little dry red patch the size of a dime on his belly & seen he has been scratching, So I tried to cool it down with a bath & it seems he was getting better. The day of his grooming he almost didn't get groomed cause I got a call from the shop giving me the run around long story short this is the 2nd time my appointment gets pushed back & they try to convince me to reschedule when I call in days in advance to make the appointment, I got the run around that the person before that had the appointment just goes on to decide to groomer her 2nd dog without an appointment for the 2nd dog, So here I am getting screw cause of there bad service,Well this time around I really was highly upset not only was my appointment push again but the girl who works in the front came out of the grooming room telling me that if I knew my dog had a skin infection all over his body. I said no all I know is he had a little dry patch not all over his body she did not let me see him so here I was now 20 mins after her telling me this I was freaking out, the second my dog came out I looked at his belly it was beat red all over his belly I wasn't sure if it was just razor burn from the clippers but I really didn't think so, So I ran over to his vet which was near by & I was glad that they took us & treated Gucci very good they gave him a steroids shot to help with his itch & antibiotics which he also was running a fever, The lab test results came in today & turned out that Gucci got staph infection, He was giving the proper meds the night I took him in so he is now starting to feel better his belly is healing, I'm glad his vet took very good care of him unlike his groomer which we are now looking for a new one I refuse to to crate him because of there mistake they have done to me 2 times in a row & this time around I was treated badly, You DO NOT say that my dog has something & then not take me to him so I can see what the problem was but she left me waiting for about 20 mins, YOU DON'T DO THAT

Please post your well wishes for Gucci below he would love to read them 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

A Message From Gucci

Gucci wants to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day

Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day

Hi everyone hope the grooming items video was very helpful to you we have another video coming soon, If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. It's been a really cold winter here we are so ready for Spring/Summer to arrive.Well tomorrow is Valentine's Day & I found Gucci these cute stuffies It's Lady & the Tramp, He still doesn't know I got them for him cause I'm going to give them to him on Valentine's day, hope I don't change my mind & keep them for myself lol, Gucci is lucky that I wouldn't do that to him :o)

Well hope you all have a great weekend & Happy Valentine's Day to you all  

Don't forgot to follow us here & please send us a comment below of your blog we would love to follow yours as well 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Gucci's Grooming Items

Here are just a few of Gucci's grooming items that we use all the time, we will be back for more videos soon

Monday, January 26, 2015


Hi everyone hope you all had a great weekend, We were lucky on Friday we were hit with snow but after it snowed about 3"it changed into rain so a lot melted, But Gucci had a chance to go outside and play in the snow before it started to rain,Well today is a different story we weren't so lucky we are getting hit with a blizzard and it's very nasty out there. Gucci went on the terrace today the second I opened the door he ran right out there into the snow he was loving it, He was running around didn't know where he wanted to go first lol

My Face is cold Mommy...

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year 2015

Hi everyone sorry I've been MIA during Thanksgiving I got injured that limited my time to just do about anything. I'm getting better now & starting to get back to work, Hope everyone had a great holidays. Gucci & I have a lot to share with all our fans with what we have been up to 

now that I'm going to me getting back to my work I will be updating more items over at my shop so don't forget to stop by 

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